Sedation Dentistry – Montpelier, VT

Get the Anxiety-Free Dental Care You Deserve

Have you avoided the dentist for years because of a previous bad experience, sensitive gag reflex, or anxiety surrounding the sights and sounds of a dental office? Don’t worry – our friendly, caring, and highly trained team at River Station Dentistry isn’t here to pass judgment. Instead, we want to learn more about your specific fears, determine how to give you the positive experience you deserve, and intervene with the necessary dental care. Sometimes, that requires the use of nitrous oxide or oral conscious sedation! You can learn more about these sedation dentistry options by reading on or giving our team a call.

Why Choose River Station Dentistry for Sedation Dentistry?

  • Patient-Focused Dentistry
  • Multiple Financial Solutions Available
  • Appointments as Early as 7:30 AM

Nitrous Oxide Sedation

Dental assistant placing nasal mask over patient's nose

Nitrous oxide is the mildest form of sedation dentistry. With that said, it’s incredibly effective at combating dental-related anxiety and helping patients who have a sensitive gag reflex or trouble staying comfortable feel calm and relaxed in the treatment chair. To administer the odorless, colorless gas, one of our team members will place a nasal mask over your nose and ask you to not breathe through your mouth. After a few minutes, you’ll begin to feel the effects set in. One of the biggest perks is that the effects dissipate shortly after as well, which means no lingering grogginess or downtime!

Oral Conscious Sedation 

Patient holding up white pill

Oral conscious sedation is typically recommended for more moderate to severe cases of dental-related anxiety. It’s also a great option for patients who are undergoing more substantial dental care, like multiple wisdom tooth extractions. With this sedation dentistry option, you’ll take a pill prior to your procedure. By the time we’re ready to begin, you’ll feel utterly relaxed and calm. Since the effects will continue to linger even after your appointment, it’s important that you have a trusted adult drive you home.

Am I a Good Candidate for Sedation Dentistry?

Dentist and patient smiling at each other in dental office

If you’ve been avoiding essential preventive or restorative dentistry because of your fear of the dentist, then you shouldn’t hesitate to schedule an appointment with our Montpelier dental team. That way, we can learn more about your fears as well as your medical and dental history. From there, we can determine if you’re a candidate. The good news is that nitrous oxide is suitable for most patients since it’s so mild. Of course, if that’s not the case for you, then we will determine what other options there are to give you the relaxing, positive experience you deserve at our office.